Local Plan Consultation Closes in:

The consultation is closed

The final stage of the Local Plan started on 4th Feb – Regulation 19.
432 objections of our target of 5,000

Regulation 19 - Chelmsford Pre Submission Local Plan Review objection form

Have Your Say on Chelmsford’s Local Plan – Time is Running Out! Closing Date is the 18th March.

The Local Plan has reached its final review stage (Regulation 19), and this is your last chance to make your voice heard. Don’t let this opportunity slip by—make sure you log your objections to the Hammonds Farm and Pigeon Industrial Estate Preferred Option now!

The third and final consultation follows a different format than previous ones. The Planning Inspector undertaking the Independent Examination will assess whether the Local Plan has been prepared in line with the relevant legal requirements (including the duty to co-operate) and whether it is ‘sound’. 

This gives us three questions to answer:

Question 1: Do you consider the Local Plan legally compliant in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012?

Question 2: Does the Local Plan comply with the Duty to Co-operate?

Question 3: Do you consider the Local Plan to be ‘sound’? To be found ‘Sound’ a Local Plan should be positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with National Policy. 

Don’t worry if this all sounds to complicated, we have done the hard work for you. Below is our easy to use form with pre filled evidence sections, all we ask is that you edit each section so that it is unique and conveys your own views, however the actual evidence we have used has been confirmed and approved by our legal team so don’t stray too far from the actual point being made.

Spread the word to your friends and family too! Multiple objections can be made from the same address and each objection counts.

To be fully transparent we will also show you all the ways in which you are able to submit an objection: 

Remember, to make sure your objection is accepted, you’ll need to provide your full name, address, postcode, and submission date. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance. We’re here to support you in standing up for what matters to you.

You can access the actual consultation documentation directly from the Chelmsford consultation portal Consultation Home – Regulation 19 or under our menu item Documents.

    Consultation on Chelmsford City Council Local Plan – Pre-Submission (Regulation 19)

    To allow us to comply with GDPR requirements. Please tick the GDPR consent box. I consent to my details being stored for the purposes of objecting to 16A – Hammonds Farm Development and 16B – Pigeon Industrial Estate and subsequent email updates regarding progress
    This form has two parts

      Part A – Contact Details
      Part B – Your comments on the Pre-submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) consultation document

    Part A- Contact Details

    1. Where known please include your PID number below. You would have received this from Chelmsford City Council’s Consultation Portal if you registered last year in the previous consultation round.

    Part B – Your representation(s)
    You are objecting on 16a: East Chelmsford Garden Community (Hammonds Farm) and 16b: Land adjacent to A12 Junction 18 (Employment Site).

    Two separate emails containing your comments will be sent on your behalf, you will also receive an email receipt to acknowledge that they have been sent by this website. Later on once Chelmsford City Council(CCC) receive and review your emails they will add them to the consultation portal and you should also receive an acknowledgment from that system in due course.

    Select the points you would like to object to or simply select all.

    Below at least one box will open for you to insert your comments. To help you each box is populated with some possible text that you can either delete and replace with your own, or use and adapt as you see fit, adding any other thoughts that you believe may be relevant. Your unedited input will be seen by Chelmsford and by the Planning Inspector, and it will be very helpful if you can in some way replace, modify or add to the text you find so that the Planning Inspector realises you are individually objecting rather than just signing up passively. The text that will appear is randomly selected from a full list of validated evidence points, opening and closing the box will select a new one randomly from our database.

    Or check individually: